Spectrum Factory

Okay, guys. I have a

''*TOTALLY*'' original story for you guys. I decided to take some ''"inspiration"'' from the pasta you guys all know and love, ''Rainbow Factory''. Here goes my ''*TOTALLY*''

 original story for you:
One day, there were some Dalescloud (a cloud city in PonyLand of Rainbows) students. Their names were SkeetaLaa, Borealiss, and Hunter. Spectrum Flash was a famous & epic idol that all of them looked up to, especially SkeetaLaa. One day, when they were in their last year of Flight School, they had to take a test. Borealiss went first, and she got a nasty wing injury. Hunter & SkeetaLaa were both made very mad by this, but Hunter went anyway after saying ''"Fine! I'll go, but I'm not pleased with the fact that I HAVE to!"'' Hunter failed the test. SkeetaLaa refused to go, stating ''"Why the hell are you not taking care of Borealiss?"'' This offended the manager, so he sent them to the door labeled ''"Evil Satan 666 Demon Devil Test Failees" ''
While the group was riding on the chariot that lead them from the Evil Satan 666 Demon Devil Test Failees room to the ''"Mysterious Rainbow Land", ''SkeetaLaa, the only bisexual of the group, said ''"Guys! Now would be the perfect opportunity to come out of the clo-"'' SkeetaLaa was quickly interrupted by Hunter, who said ''"I know how you are going to finish that. Matter of fact, we all knew what you would have said."''
After the ride, the group had arrived to the factory. It wasn't just any factory, but the Sprectrum Factory. SkeetaLaa commented on how neat the murders looked, while Borealiss was still complaining about her wing. Suddenly, they saw a device. It wasn't just any device, but the Wing Device. All of the group was forced to watch other fillies get crushed in the device, but Spectrum Flash, the mare behind them (and SkeetaLaa's idol), said ''WHO'S READY TO GET CRUSHED?"'' All of them screamed, and SkeetaLaa said ''"Why?"''
Then they all got turned into a rainbow. The End.